The Paragon Group, LLC
"International experience promoting and advancing evidence-based practices in the arena of criminal justice"
"International experience promoting and advancing evidence-based practices in the arena of criminal justice"
The study of desistance from crime examines why individuals exit their life of criminal offending.
In relation to other fields of study in the arena of criminology, the body of knowledge is limited, yet growing, making it an exciting time for inquisitive criminal justice practitioners to learn of this fascination school of thought.
The Paragon Group can help with publications, webinars and speaking engagements for you or your agency.
Or team with us for development of your own practice model!!
The Criminologist Media Group ( A division of The Paragon Group LLC), is proud to produce a weekly podcast, entitled The Criminologist.
Dedicated to educating and entertaining our listeners, our podcast brings you subject matter experts from around the world, while sharing the latest and greatest evidence based practices to help individuals desist from a life of crime.
Visit our YouTube channel, The Criminologist, for a multi-media resource hub!
View our original content, as well as offerings from world leading thinkers on the topics of rehabilitation, criminology and desistance from crime.
At no cost!
TIDES is our customed deigned program model intended to augment your agencies' current evidence-based interventions! Learn all about our "Four Pillars of Change", and our innovative approach to navigating your client interactions!
->International Training School on Core Correctional Skills trainer and consultant.
-> Master Trainer of the Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (LS/CMI).
-> Trainer of the Dynamic Risk Assessment for Offender Reentry (DRAOR) and the Structured Dynamic Assessment for Case management 21-item (SDAC-21) scales.
-> Facilitator of a variety of cognitive behavioral interventions and desistance based techniques.
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Your source for 21st century emerging models of change!
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